Esteban | ˈe-stə-vən - /collection/body-language-i/

Body Language: Building Rapport

May. 15, 2021

Read time: 1 minutes and 29 seconds.


Body language can tell you a lot about a person and how exactly they feel about the situation. However, you can use body language as a form of building confidence with someone as well. Eyes and legs can be helpful in building rapport if you know how to position and use them.


When you make eye contact with someone, you’re essentially saying “Hey there, I’m fully present and paying attention to you right now.” This sends a message of respect and genuine interest, and can make the person feel seen and heard.

On the other hand, if you’re looking around the room or avoiding eye contact, the message you send is “You’re not that important to me” or “I’m not interested in what you’re saying.” This can make the person feel neglected or disrespected, which is not ideal if you’re trying to build rapport with them.

So, think of eye contact as a superpower in your communication toolkit! Used correctly, it can make you a rapport-building master. Just be careful not to overuse it, as intense eye contact can be perceived as intimidating or creepy. The key is to strike a balance between making eye contact and being natural.


Legs can also play a role in body language and building rapport.

if you’re sitting with someone and crossing your legs towards them, it can signal that you’re open and engaged with them.

On the other hand, crossing your legs away from someone can indicate discomfort or a desire to distance yourself from the person.

The way you position your feet can also convey information about your mood or intent. Pointing your feet towards someone can show interest or attraction, while pointing them away can signal disinterest or a desire to leave.

It’s important to remember that body language is often subtle and can be influenced by multiple factors, so it’s best to consider leg positions and movements in the context of the overall body language and behavior.